Jessica Eastman Stewart Jessica Eastman Stewart

Printable Christmas Advent Family Activity Countdown

The 34 ideas in here include everything from sending a care package to a soldier to buying a toy for a child in need to watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas to writing a letter to Santa.

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Jessica Eastman Stewart Jessica Eastman Stewart

Eight Years Later: My LASIK Surgery Experience

A friend recently asked about LASIK surgery, and her request sent me looking for an old note that I had written the morning after my experience with the surgery in 2009. I still have friends ask about the surgery all the time, so I thought I would share those words here for anyone wanting to learn more.

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Jessica Eastman Stewart Jessica Eastman Stewart

Kids' Food Donation Checklist

A picture-based printable checklist for kids to shop for the most-needed items to donate to a food bank.

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Jessica Eastman Stewart Jessica Eastman Stewart

Printable Family Thanksgiving Countdown

A printable Thanksgiving countdown: each day, kids open an envelope that has a paper inside describing a fun, simple activity to do that day. The activities include things like reading a Thanksgiving-related book or collecting food to share with those who do not have enough food.

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Jessica Eastman Stewart Jessica Eastman Stewart

5 Parenting Tips I Wish I Had Figured Out Sooner

Even with some incredible friends to model parenting for me before we had kids of our own, and all of the things I learned before my first was born in books and on the internet, there are many things I would have liked to have known about much sooner in my parenting journey. Today I'll share 5 of them.

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Fave Jessica Eastman Stewart Fave Jessica Eastman Stewart

Taking the Daily 5 to the Next Level - the Weekly List

After we had several months of success with The Daily Five, we realized it would be helpful to get more organized about the other things that need to get done regularly in our house, but that did not need to happen every day. Enter The Weekly List. This is where we added tasks that need to get done each week, assigning them to a particular day of the week.

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Fave Jessica Eastman Stewart Fave Jessica Eastman Stewart

The Daily 5 - Our #1 Strategy for Family Sanity

Last August, I had just gone back to work after maternity leave with my second child. I was exhausted. My work was busy, we had a 2-year-old and a newborn (who, as expected, was not yet sleeping through the night). We were just a year into our new home and had projects going. You know the drill - you're reading this because you are super busy too. 

My husband and I were sitting together after our kids were asleep at the end of our rope - we had to improve how things were working in our household to help things be more sustainable.

The idea we came up with that night has stuck with us for more than a year and has made a huge difference: The Daily Five.

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Jessica Eastman Stewart Jessica Eastman Stewart

Four Tips for Working-Parents-to-Be

If you did a search of my calendar right now for the words "due date", you'd get way more results than normal. It feels like so many people I care about are having babies soon! It's caused me to reflect on what I wish I had known, and what I was glad that others told me when we were preparing for welcoming our first child into the world just three years ago.

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Jessica Eastman Stewart Jessica Eastman Stewart

My Favorite Children's Books, Part I

As one of my friends says, "I have a children's book problem." It is one of the biggest contributors to my Amazon Prime problem (I'm not the only one, right?).

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Fave Jessica Eastman Stewart Fave Jessica Eastman Stewart

An Annual Checklist for Managers

Management is a practice. It requires intention to do well. Some people are more naturally talented at coaching and supporting others, but none of us is going to be a truly excellent manager by winging it. Putting in systems is an important start.

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Jessica Eastman Stewart Jessica Eastman Stewart

Decorate your home when seasons change using this inexpensive strategy

I love changing up the decor in our home for the seasons and at holidays, but I don't have a lot of time or storage space to hold a huge amount of seasonal decorations. So, for the last few years, I’ve been finding a way to meet both needs by using free printables that I find online in inexpensive frames that we’ve collected over the years.

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Jessica Eastman Stewart Jessica Eastman Stewart

Four Ways to Make travel easier with (or without!) kids

Our travel plans have increased in complexity in the last three years with the addition of two more humans to the family. Even though they are small, the amount of planning and stuff required for them is immense. I joke with my parent friends often that these are "trips", not to be confused with "vacations". I hear that when kids get older they like to sleep in; I'll believe that when I see it. Our toddler and preschooler have yet to get that memo.

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Jessica Eastman Stewart Jessica Eastman Stewart

Making your workplace family-friendly and more equitable

A few months ago, I asked in a Facebook group in which I participate if people could share ideas and policy language for practices that organizations and companies can put in place to make their workplaces more equitable and family-friendly ("family", in this case, defined very broadly). Here's what I found.

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Fave Jessica Eastman Stewart Fave Jessica Eastman Stewart

Why every professional needs a "polish week" once a year

In the midst of the busy lives we lead, taking time to clean things up, freshen systems, and invest in future ease can be challenging. Every professional should make time to take a week (or even just a few days) every year to “polish” their systems, which will pay major dividends in your productivity for the rest of the year. 

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Fave Jessica Eastman Stewart Fave Jessica Eastman Stewart

8 Practices of Great Project Managers

At my organization, we pride ourselves on doing what we say we are going to do. A big part of living up to that value is to be great at setting an ambitious vision for impact and then doing the day-to-day work to realize that vision. Below are practices I have seen our best project managers bring to their work on a consistent basis.

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